Sunday, November 29, 2009


First, a bit about us. We are a couple who just moved to Poland, Izabela in July and I, Lilly-Marie, about five weeks ago. We moved here from California because Izabela, who is from Poland and grew up in the house we're living now, got a teaching job at Gdansk University, and we're hoping I can get a job, too, probably in teaching at first. It's been a major transition for us both, but we're settling in a little at a time. Izabela has spent most of her last four months preparing classes and doing things to improve the house - we'll tell you more about that later. As for me, I came here thinking I had a job, but, as it happens a lot in life, circumstances changed. So I am learning Polish and job searching at the same time. We both have a lot of hopes for our being here - Izabela plans to publish books in English, among other things, and I am attempting to carve out a full life for myself in this new setting. So far, our daily life has included a lot of adventures, and as more of these occur, we hope they'll make for interesting reading.

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